★ Education
Nebraskans value strong public schools. 9 out of 10 students in Nebraska attend a public school. For years, Nebraskans have rejected efforts to privatize our education system and for good reason: privatization fails to improve outcomes and costs taxpayers millions. Nebraska relies too heavily on local property taxes to fund schools, and should explore additional sustainable long-term options for revenue. Our neighborhoods and communities thrive when we invest in strong public education.
★ Healthcare
Healthcare decisions belong to patients and their doctors, not politicians. I trust Nebraskans to direct their own medical care and that of their children. I trust Nebraska’s healthcare providers to engage in best practices as determined by medical experts, not lawmakers. Legislation should protect patients’ rights and not create unnecessary barriers to care. It’s time to get the government out of personal healthcare decisions.
★ Public Safety
I believe we can and should do more to promote gun safety in our communities. Background checks on all gun sales and safe storage requirements are measures aimed at reducing gun violence while still respecting Second Amendment rights. It’s also critical that we continue to support Nebraska’s First Responders with the funding and resources needed to protect our residents.
★ Work Force
Nebraskans work hard to provide for their families. By improving access to childcare, early childhood education, and affordable housing and expanding home healthcare services, we can recruit and retain workers and better support hardworking Nebraskans and their families. Policies and standards that promote innovation and technology — such as AI — will help us build the economy, create additional job opportunities, and help address Nebraska’s worker shortage.