Mary Ann Folchert is a lifelong Nebraskan raised in Omaha. She and her husband, Daren, are proudly raising their three children in LD 31. Mary Ann is a former public school teacher with a Master’s degree in Special Education.
She is an advocate for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and is the guardian for her older brother, Jim. Driven by her commitment to family and community, Mary Ann will work hard to make sure the Good Life is something all Nebraskans can enjoy and pass on for generations.
“When I was a classroom teacher, I wanted to help all my students excel. As I think about public service in the legislature, that same goal stays in the front of my mind. Too often, lawmakers create barriers that keep people from succeeding, like limiting our individual freedoms and intruding into our personal lives while consistently failing to create policies that make life better and more affordable for hardworking Nebraskans and their families. It’s time for that to change.” – Mary Ann
Now more than ever, Nebraskans need sensible, honest, and open-minded lawmakers who will work together to create legislation that reflects the needs of our communities.